Sunday, August 24, 2014

curious george came to town!

On Saturday, Britton and I hit up her annual daycare story time and potluck picnic. Barrett was in desperate need of his nap, so he and the hubs stayed home.  Last year it was Clifford  and this year it was Curious George.  Britton was so excited that she woke us up at 6:56 am Saturday morning, all dressed up and ready to go!

I figured parking would be limited, so we showed up about 10 minutes early, and we were the first ones there!  Luckily though, that got us into the first group to hear "The Man in the Yellow Hat" (Britton's previous teacher, Rosie) read a Curious George story.

Then Curious George joined the party, and Britton wasn't having any of that.  She inherited her fear of furries from the hubs, so she comes by it honestly.  No picture-taking with giant Curious George.

But people dressed up in costumes as other people?  Britton is cool with that.  

We went outside to the book fair and carnival games, and it was quickly becoming hot and humid.  I encouraged any games that had a tent over them, as I was rapidly wilting in that weather!  Britton loved the coin toss, and she figured out that the closer she got to the bowls, the more accurate her throws were.  Prizes were stamps, and she started getting "sleeves" of stamps and temporary tattoos.

Magnetic fishing hole.  Britton got a kick out of this for a hot minute.

One of Barrett's teachers was handling the face-painting.  Britton got hooked up with a rainbow while I scouted out the book fair.  We got some great books for her and Barrett.

Then she visited her teacher Sarah at the tattoo station.  

Then back to the face painting!  Britton wanted a minion, and truth be told - we only just watched "Despicable Me 2" for the first time this past weekend.  I still haven't seen "Despicable Me" - the first one.  Yep, I am way behind on my kid movies, and I can't believe I didn't know how funny these movies are!  Those minions are like the gremlins of my generation - freaking adorable (not the purple ones - I felt sorry for them, all twitching and brain-fried!).

We helped ourselves to the potluck picnic, then headed to Target for some school supplies.  And when we got home, Barrett has just woken up from his nap, so he and the hubs got to hear all about our fun adventure.

Then, on a totally unrelated tangent, we went to put up Barrett's new bucket swing.  And Britton desperately wanted to try it out first. Not thinking anything of it, we let her.  And then, as every other parent who knows better is guessing, she got stuck.  As in, she wasn't getting out of this swing without some major wrestling and pain.  Poor Britton was scared and crying and the hubs unclipped the swing, carried her to the deck, and went in search of a tool that would get her out.

Dremel tool to the rescue!  That swing is now in the trash, and currently holds the record for the fastest demise of any kid toy we've ever owned.  By our estimates, Britton got a good 45 seconds of fun out of that thing!  Luckily, she was fine and didn't get hurt at all. 

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