Thursday, August 7, 2014

barrett: 15 months old

The difference from 12 months old to 15 months old has been truly remarkable with this boy.  I think he's determined to learn something new every day!  Barrett now has his walking down pat, and walking is his preferred mode of transportation these days.  We got him a pair of bright green Crocs last weekend, and he is absolutely in love with those shoes!  Maybe it has a little to do with his penchant for taking them off and chewing on them....but I digress.  He showed off a new skill recently - he backed up into Memaw's legs and leaned back on her, so that she could bend down and put his shoes on him!

Just a year ago, Barrett was a baby - now he's officially a toddler...

This kid loves the water like it's going out of style.  Every night after dinner, we go out on the deck and Barrett goes straight to the water table.  Not two seconds later, he's dumping cups of water over his head and sitting in the baby pool.  He's also discovered that he can sit at Britton's little table by himself, so you can usually find him there, chalk in hand.  

Barrett has come to accept and even sometimes enjoy his stroller on walks.  Every weekend, weather-permitting, we go on a couple of big family walks.  Frankly, I usually just need the break from trying to entertain children all day, and on the walk gives them something new to do.  And now Barrett enjoys going too, so long as he has a graham cracker in his hand!

Barrett just got moved to a new class at daycare, and is down to one nap per day.  At school he'll nap maybe an hour to an hour and a half, but at home on the weekends he'll sometimes nap for three hours.  He's usually sleeping through the night, though sometimes he'll randomly get up right before the hubs and I go to bed and drink an entire bottle.  This usually occurs when he's hitting a growth spurt, and we get a heads up because he gets ravenous at dinnertime.

Speaking of food - here's Barrett with his spaghetti and meatballs.  He loves meat, garlic breadsticks, cheese, corn, blueberries, and graham crackers.  He is really open about trying anything, and he gets the same meals everyone else is getting.  One of his favorite meals is breakfast, and on weekends I treat him to pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage links.  His new favorite game is throwing food down to Sadie, which she loves and I do not!


Barrett is currently in size 24 month clothing, and I haven't bought any winter clothes yet because I have no idea how big he'll be by the time the weather turns cold.  He's in size 6 shoes and size 5 diapers.  He is as tall as the kitchen table, so about 30 inches, and weighs around 29-30 pounds, I think.  

 Likes:  books with sounds, musical instruments, throwing balls, water, dancing

Dislikes:  not being able to keep up with Britton, being tired, getting dressed

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