Monday, July 7, 2014

barrett: 14 months old

Well, a huge milestone was reached today - Barrett walked!  It was a few steps, and he refused to treat us to a repeat performance, but he took his first steps this evening after dinner.  It was almost as if Barrett forgot to be holding onto something - he just turned to get a hold of his walker and had to take a few steps to get to it.  Luckily, the hubs and I were both there to witness it!  

So, last night we went to Red Robin for dinner.  And Barrett was throwing his sippy cup and generally being exuberant.  An older couple was sitting next to us and smiled, and the older gentleman said, "Well, looks like someone is having a good time.  She must love this place!"  Or something to that effect.  But of course the only thing I heard was "she"!  Ha!  We didn't correct the man, because I can see how he would make that mistake.  I mean, look at that hair, ya'll.  Seriously.  And most of the time his hair curls in these sweet little tendrils and we can't bear to cut it.  Can a 14 month old sport a ponytail?

We also had another big first this weekend.  Barrett loves pulling the colander out of the cabinet and beating on it with wooden spoons.  And Britton plopped herself down next to him and took up with another colander and some spatulas.  They just sat there together, cracking each other up and playing so well, and it was the first time I experienced my kids entertaining each other without help from either the hubs or me.  Everyone tells you how much easier it is to have a second kid than just the first because this time around they have a built-in playmate. And we're finally getting there!

Some developments - Barrett can now say "ball," "all done," "uh oh," "hi," "bye-bye,""mommy," and "daddy."  When you ask him what a cow says he goes, "Mmmmmm." He's ridiculously heavy and tall, but we don't have any stats until his doctor's appointment next month.  He wears size 24 month clothing (and some 2T!) and size 5 diapers.  He's getting his molars in, so sleep has been iffy.  We had a nice long stretch of him sleeping through the night, then the ornery molars showed up and he's been waking for a bottle right before the hubs and I go to bed.  It's annoying to be going backwards, but we're crossing our fingers that once the molar pain subsides he'll go back to sleeping through the night.  Of course, now that I put that out there I've jinxed it!

Likes:  water - the water table and the baby pool are magnets for this kid, going on walks in the morning, dancing to music, playing his kitchen drums, "petting" Sadie (we're working on what nice petting is), and climbing the stairs by himself

Dislikes:  being in the car without his Teddy Grahams - he always needs a full cupholder of them, laying on his changing table to get dressed

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