Monday, April 7, 2014

barrett: 11 months old

We have just experienced the month with the most dramatic developments for this boy!  First, he is saying "mama" with abandon, he's thrown out "dada" a couple of times, and today I distinctly heard him say "bye-bye" as we left his classroom at daycare.  He's also crawling now, just deciding one day that he'd rather go get his toys than wait for me to fetch them!  He's also pulling himself up on the ottomans and us, pretending like he's ready to take some steps on his own, though he always ends up plopping down on his butt.  And finally, Barrett has perfected his waving.  Every day his little friends at school wave goodbye like we're leaving forever, and Barrett is now reciprocating.  And it's downright adorable!

We are one month away from the big O-N-E.  I can't believe it.  Oh, how this huge milestone has snuck up on us.  We're doing a family party, going out to lunch at our favorite Mexican food joint and then heading back to the house for cake.  Speaking of food....let's just say Barrett has turned out to be quite picky!  He loves his carbs - bread, mashed potatoes, graham crackers, goldfish, and the like, but he turns his nose up at everything else.  I'm sure it's a stage, as everything is, and the optimistic in me (as small as she may be) still serves him a variety in hopes he'll decide to try something new.

Barrett loves throwing his big soft soccer ball back and forth, and manages to get it pretty close to us with his throws.  He's also into books now, wanting to turn pages and check out the bright pictures.  He loves the television remote so much that we found an extra one and took the batteries out so he could press all the buttons.  Pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo continue to be favorite games, and the hints of warmer weather this weekend had him whining to get outside in the sunshine.  Can't say I blame him!

Likes:  Britton, Sadie, gnawing on his crib, snuggling

Dislikes:  baby food (unless Memaw is feeding him), teething pain

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