Tuesday, December 13, 2011

christmas cards are out

We got a jump on our Christmas cards this year, mainly because we were switching it up a bit. Last year Memaw had received a Christmas card from a friend, and it had the woman and her entire family in it. We thought it would be a great idea to do the same this year, especially since over half of our card mailing lists overlap. Yes, the hub's family is about half of the mailing list. So I found a great photographer who I used to work with (she does photography on the side), and we headed to the Fort Worth Stockyards the first weekend of November.

Now, every year we go with a "theme color scheme." This year it was turquoise and brown. And the cards turned out amazing! And since I sent them out over a week ago, recipients should have them by now and won't be disappointed that I'm revealing them here.

But first......a look back. When looking through my pictures, turns out the hub and I didn't send out Christmas cards our first year of marriage (2006). Which seems odd, because why didn't we take advantage of using a wedding picture for the card?! Oh well - here are the others.

2007: Sadie begins the trend of appearing in every single Christmas card by first being the only one in the card.

2008: Taken in Virginia Beach at Thanksgiving.

2009: First year with Britton. Neither Sadie nor Britton want to be in the picture.

2010: I had an entirely different card planned, but Britton didn't want any part of it. So when she seemed likely to cooperate, we just ran outside and got a picture. Hence, the pink pants.

And.........without further ado......................

2011: Us, Memaw, PawPaw, and the dogs! Here's the front...

And here's the back. These are the boots Britton is wearing in the picture - the same boots the hub wore as a child. If you can place the quote, you're a Christmas fanatic as well.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your card this year!!!

    I have mine printed, just need to get around to mailing them!!

  2. Mandy - thanks for that! I am happy it turned out so well, and I give full credit to the photographer :) Please post a copy of your card (after you send them out) on the blog so I can see it!
