Tuesday, November 22, 2011


My friend Tiffany suggested this fun project for holding treats for Britton's daycare teachers. Every Christmas Memaw and I make ridiculous amounts of cookies, bars, bark, and fudge, and give them as gifts. Because I have no co-workers this Christmas season, yet still want to make oodles of treats, everyone is getting them! Of course, Britton's teachers are also getting Visa giftcards so they can go treat themselves or finish up their Christmas shopping. I know some people consider it over-the-top to give money to teachers, but I'm just adding to an investment of them liking my child. I'm kidding! Kind of. But I have previously been a waitress, a bartender, a daycare teacher, and one summer I sold shrimp out a van on the side of the road, so I know what it's like to be in a not-so-much-pay-or-recognition job. And for the people who take care of Britton all day every day? They so deserve it.

Got the canisters at Dollar Tree for $2 each, then 2 packs of crayons per canister for $1 total. So add in some tacky glue, and for $3 you have a cute teacher canister for Christmas treats!

Speaking of colorful, check out this Sunday afternoon attire. She pulled it all out of the bottom drawer of her dresser - otherwise known as "the too small drawer." We went with it, and the people at Kroger loved our little gypsy.

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