Wednesday, February 2, 2011

eighteen months old

Look who is officially 1.5 years old! I think after two years old you should stop referring to your kid's age in months because dang it all if I don't hate the mental math. So now, Britton is 18 months old! Her tube surgery went well and we go back to the doctor in two weeks for a follow-up to determine just how well. She's growing like a weed, as always, now in 3T clothes. And the summer stuff just came out in stores here (yeah, in the WINTER) so I'm waiting until after her 18-month pediatrician appt to get a good weight on her so I can go buy stuff. Maybe the doctor will have a good guess as to what size Britton will be come summer. Her hair is ridiculously long too, especially since other parents can't believe how old she is specifically because her hair is so long! Britton's talking has gone through the roof, with her babbling complete sentences, paragraphs even, with only her knowing what she is saying. She is saying more real words too, words we can all understand. And her eating is still good if not spotty as she would rather play than eat. And we've adjusted to it, allowing her to take her dinner to her little table and eat when the mood hits her. I still think 18 months old is too young to require her to sit at the table, napkin in her lap, while we discuss the day's current events.

She did the cutest thing too - when the hub was packing for a business trip, Britton got her little Minnie Mouse backpack and started packing it with random things in the house. Then she put her arm through the top loop and waited next to the back door ready to leave too! It was heartbreaking in that she wanted to go with the hub but couldn't, so Grandma and Grandpa booked us all a trip to Disney World in September, and Britton can pack her bag and leave with him then.

Physically, Britton is strong! She can run, go down the big slide by herself, and throw a ball. She loves tossing the beach ball around and playing tug-of-war with Sadie over Sadie's toys. Britton would spend all day outdoors if allowed! Last Saturday we went on three walks in one day, and on weekends Britton likes to go to the park. Britton can now climb the wall to her slide on her playhouse and go down the slide all by herself. And she likes opening and closing the blinds and turning the lights on and off. She is super into her toothbrush (I suspect she's hooked on that berry toothpaste) and has even tried to brush my teeth. She is starting to develop and understand her feelings, though she has been known to throw a tantrum here and there, mostly when the hub and I are incapable of reading her mind. We just let it pass and move on to another activity. But she is also very sweet and gives hugs with reckless abandon.

Likes: Bathtime, Sadie, throwing balls, Grandma and Grandpa, playing outdoors, the park, singing songs and doing the hand motions with them, putting her shoes on her and my shoes on me, watching daddy cook, all fruits, all veggies, waffles straight from the freezer, sticking her finger in her right nostril

Dislikes: Large dogs she doesn't know, being made to stay inside while the outdoors is a balmy 12 degrees, not being allowed to take markers/crayons from the table, Grandma and Grandpa leaving

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