Britton was sent home early yesterday with a mad case of the Hershey squirts. Seems some kid in her class continues to re-infect everyone with a virus that ravages the bottom half of the little ones, and each one has taken their turn being sent home. Of course, that means that Britton cannot return for 24 hours, which destroys a decent work day for Josh and I. We took turns today, him in the morning and me staying home for the afternoon. And we didn't get a sick little girl - she may have had a heavy diaper, but not a heavy heart.
So here are some smiles from this week. I can't keep all this beautiful smiley goodness to myself.
I own the rights to all images and text on this blog. If you use any images or text for your own agenda, for profit or not, I will sue you. And yes, I will make litigation drag out for years. And I will win. Just something to think about.
I'm from Virginia. My husband is from Oklahoma, by way of Louisiana and Florida. Our dog Sadie is from Ohio. And we all live in West Virginia. Or at least we did. We moved to Oklahoma again. Not just the three of us - we had our first baby in August 2009. Then we moved to Texas one year later. I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I've been.
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