Saturday, July 17, 2010

our little dumpster diver

Britton has been compensating for her not-quite-there-yet-just-on-the-verge-of-walking non-walking status by now becoming the child that wants to discover EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. Though she did walk at daycare yesterday afternoon! Just a couple of steps, but great daughter she is pulled it out of her hat of tricks when the hub showed up to get her. And she did it some more last night - a couple of timid steps, but so amazing! And she's so tickled with herself when she pulls it off, the hub and I basically throw a parade anytime it looks like she might walk a couple of steps. Motivation!

But I digress. Her latest discovery? The trash can! And because the hub and I are cheap and got the plastic crap-tastic Wal-Mart one when our magical automatic opening model broke, we are paying the price. Ahhh, such fools in Aisle 17 who buy the trash can that keeps no one out. Poor Sadie never figured out, after all these months, that scraps heaven was simply a karate-kick away. I believe she and Britton are now conspiring - Britton gets the paper towels and old bread, and Sadie gets the meat drippings and used aluminum foil. Tasty!

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