Wednesday, June 8, 2016

barrett: 37 months old

Wasn't I just saying that I seem to be completely incapable of posting Barrett's monthly pictures on time?  Seriously, it's like I'm calendar blind.  Poor second child!  As you can see, this boy is into everything lately - from Mickey Mouse to princess wands!  He is in love with our neighbor, a girl who plays with Britton often, and follows her around waving at her.  He will gladly play with Barbies and dress up in princess crowns in order to be around Britton and her friends!

Barrett is also moving and grooving on his numbers - he can count to 20!  Well, if you don't require "15" or "18", which I don't :)  He enjoys reading books with me, and recently discovered Dora the Explorer.  While Barrett has his three-year-old moments, they are far and few between - he is sweet and snuggly.

Barrett loves being outside, going on walks, being at Memaw and PawPaw's place, and chasing the cat.  His favorite books have some interactive element - feeling fluffy animals, lifting flaps, things like that.  Trucks and construction equipment grab his attention immediately.  His current favorite song is "The Wheels on the Bus."

Likes:  bananas, birthday cake (all cake is "birthday cake" now!), hugging Sadie, snuggling, dancing with Britton, painting

Dislikes:  when Britton won't let him play with her and her friends, putting on pajamas, being told no (he'll look at you with big hurt eyes and say "I no can like you anymore" - at first it tugged at my heartstrings, but 500 times later, I now find it endearing)

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