Monday, January 4, 2016

shake your tail feathers

We needed out of the house over Christmas break, and not just to run errands.  We considered the natural history museum, but Britton voted for the Aviary, and then Barrett started in that he wanted to see the birds too.  We figured that Sunday around lunchtime would be a good time to go - get us out of the house without having to go into the frigid cold temperatures outside!

The penguins - a family favorite.  Britton loves the tunnels - see her head peaking up below?  That's our  buddy TJ the penguin, cheesing it up for the camera.

Because you have to.

The National Aviary has some amazing birds, including this rhinoceros billed toucan.  It was as big as Barrett!

The burrowing owl.  He's no more than four inches tall here, and if I was certain it wouldn't peck my eyes out, I'd have tried to smuggle it home.  Not like we need anymore animals here or anything, but this owl was too cute.

The sloth is constantly competing with the penguin and elephant for "Carrie's favorite animal," and I'm not exactly sure why a sloth is at an aviary.  Regardless, Barrett was in love with this sloth and didn't want to leave her.

We ended our tour with the condors.  These scavenging birds are no joke, with four-foot-wide wing spans.  The females have red eyes, and yes, that's as creepy-looking as it sounds.  The cages are outdoors, so I guess they don't mind the cold.  

Barrett still wasn't ready to leave (yelling "My birds!  My birds!") so we figured we'd ease him and Britton into the idea of leaving by re-visiting the sea eagles.  And the snowy owls.  Admittedly, it might have been my whining that made us visit the eagles and owls one last time.

Poor sea eagle, stuck inland nowhere near the sea.

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