Monday, January 11, 2016

barrett: 32 months old

My poor second-born, whose monthly birthday was remembered and forgotten not less than three times in the past four days!  But it's Monday and I'm back on track now, and finally catching up.  If I had to pick one thing that has changed the most this past month, it's been language.  Barrett is talking up a storm, streaming together run-on sentences and throwing in some emotion too.  I try not to laugh when he points and furrows his brow and goes, "Mommy!  You go over there!  Over there!!!" He's trying so hard to be as grown up as Britton.  

New this month - we just bought a train toilet seat!  Barrett is officially 2.5 years old, and frankly, if we sit around waiting for him to be "ready" to potty train, I might just be sending this kid to college in diapers.  He's not in daycare, so he doesn't see other kids using the potty - his curiosity hasn't moved him along.  On the flip side, we also don't have an experienced daycare teacher potty training him for us like we did with Britton!  So we took the plunge and bought him the toilet seat, and while he hasn't actually peed on the potty yet (it's only been 2 days!), he has sat on the seat for a cumulative 3 hours, it seems.

Likes:  jelly sandwiches (no PB), cuties oranges, any carbs he can get, his tool bench, anything to do with trains, playing tag with Britton

Dislikes:  getting dressed

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