Friday, June 5, 2015

conGRAD to Britton!

Britton had her last day of kindergarten today!  The months between her first day (check it out) and now seem to have flown by.  I was able to get through the day without being a weepy mess, mostly because I just pushed those feelings way down deep.  Not healthy, I admit, and no doubt those tears will make their way out, because my little girl is growing up and I cannot do a thing to stop it.

Their graduation celebration began at 3:00 pm, and these kids were riled up and ready!

Barrett came over from his class to watch, and Memaw and PawPaw came too!

The class performed a couple of songs in Spanish, then some songs with sign language, and also a song that had every state in America!  I was really impressed with Britton's performance, and she just had a blast showing us the songs they learned this year.

Each child received a "diploma," but Britton grabbed hers and ran off so quickly we didn't get a picture!

Britton's teacher, Ms. Michelle, was awarded "Employee of the Month" today, and I agree that she's great.  She's quiet and reserved, so at first I wondered if she could put up with a very loud, very energetic class.  But that quiet and reserved nature has proven to be a real asset in the classroom, because she's also very patient and calm.  Britton has learned a ton this year - she can read and write!  And I know that is a result of having Ms. Michelle as her teacher.

Congratulations, my beautiful Britton!  Your love of learning makes me smile - I can't wait to see how much you learn and grow in your life.

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