Saturday, June 7, 2014

barrett: 13 months old

Lucky 13!  And man, we have lucked out with this little guy this month.  He's just so happy, and such a lovable boy.  He's been a little clingy to me, which I fully expected since his stranger awareness is coming on.  Whereas I used to fear every one of Britton's development leaps (well, I mostly feared her reactions - clingy, whiny, refusal to sleep, etc.), the benefit of Barrett being my second child means I can handle anything.  Really, every phase will be over soon.  So his clinginess is fine with me - it means I get to hug him a little tighter without him trying to get away!

Barrett isn't walking yet, but he's standing on his own and so badly wants to make that leap.  He uses his musical walker and any piece of furniture he can grab, and waddles just long enough before sitting down with a smile.  His new favorite activity is to climb the stairs, remove the nightlight from the hall outlet (it's since been moved to the bathroom and the outlet has safety covers), then creep into Britton's room and go through all her stuff.  He'll put on her bracelets and rings, throw her jewelry holder down (I've glued it back together twice now), check out her books, and try to climb into her bed.

Barrett can say "bye-bye," "ball," "hi," "mama," and "dada" and signs at daycare.  He can use a cup, bur we still give him his sippy cup because I don't want to mop up big puddles of spilled water!  His appetite and palate are growing, and he now loves yogurt, teddy grahams, Chinese food (especially P.F. Chang's pork fried rice), apples, peaches, strawberries, waffles, sausage, broccoli, and many more foods.  And he's getting more teeth now to help him eat that food.  I noticed he has two molars coming in, giving him 10 teeth.

Barrett is now sleeping through the night, though I'm hoping that I didn't jinx it by writing that!  His doctor had suggested, at his one year wellness check, that he didn't need the bottle he wanted in the middle of the night and to stop giving it to him.  But I didn't want to make him cry it out, seeing as he's my last kid and I'm not worried about having to go through all this again, and he just worked it out of his system.  He usually takes two naps a day, unless he takes a 3 hour first nap - then he's not willing to go back to bed so soon!

Barrett has graduated from his ducky bathtub (see below), and is now in the regular bathtub.  Sometimes Britton decides she wants to take a bath with him, so the hubs throws both of them into our big jacuzzi tub.  

Likes:  going on walks in the stroller, climbing the stairs, throwing Sadie's stuffed hedgehog for her, being held, stacking blocks

Dislikes:  walking on grass barefoot, being tired, having his diaper changed, getting dressed

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