Tuesday, June 28, 2011

rite of passage

The first push pop ever. Then she stole mine too because when I offered a taste I forgot to mention that I wanted mine back. Top it all off, she's wearing a dress I tried on her for sizing purposes that she refused to take off. Doesn't it go so well with the pink camo tee shirt?

Summer is so long in Texas we are sure to have many more evenings of drippy push pops, orange and pink sticky dresses, and many more firsts.


  1. I used to love those as a kid! I haven't had one in SO long! She is too cute!!

  2. still love them and so did you.

  3. Thank you Mandy! She makes me want all things childhood, and push-up pops are no exception. Mom - I'm totally getting another box for when you come and visit!
