Monday, March 22, 2010

over the river and through the woods

Well, not too many woods, but we did go over the Red River to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Ft. Worth this weekend. They just got settled into their corporate housing last Thursday, so we bolted down I-35 for a visit. Because a blizzard was predicted for Friday night, we decided to wait until Saturday morning to see how bad it would be to travel. We woke up early Saturday morning to nothing more than a little dusting of snow, packed up the family truckster, and headed south. On the way we encountered more snow, but it slowly turned into rain as we crossed into Texas.

Grandma and Grandpa surprised Britton with her very own Disney hat, complete with her name and ears! The ears snap on so they are changeable. She didn't know what to think, but I suspect she's now starting to figure this whole Disney World thing out.

We hung out, ate Mexican food, looked at houses, and the hub and I scooted out to buy our growing girl some pajamas while Britton and Grandma napped together. Unfortunately, the drive home took FOREVER because of construction. Not that there were any workers out, but you can imagine what shutting down one side of the major interstate between Texas and Oklahoma will do to traffic. On the last day of Spring Break. On a Sunday afternoon. We all got pissy, and instead of being productive with our anger, we took it out on each other. Ahhh, the family fun to be had sitting idle on the interstate! So, we took lemons, and made lemonade vodka tonics with them. Figuratively, people. We actually hardly ever drive drunk anymore with Britton in the car. Touche!

Britton sported the Penn State onesie the hub got her from his trip to a conference in State College, PA. He got back home on Friday, to turn around and drive us all down to Ft. Worth the next day.

Snuggling with Daddy...

Britton playing her favorite game with Grandma and Grandpa, called "I'm the center of attention." She LOVES that game!

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