Friday, March 13, 2009

this whole pregnancy thang

My pregnancy books pretty much tell me what to expect from week to week. But I must admit, there are some changes no one warns you about. There are some occurrences that no one mentions may or may not happen during your pregnancy. Some of these things have definitely taken me by surprise and I've been forced to ask people, mainly Jessica, "Is this normal?" Turns out most of it is, and has likely happened to other people, but we're just not talking about it. So I've decided that I'm going to. You know, talk about it.

1. Who knew you can't sleep on your back after 14 weeks? I'm not normally a back sleeper - I prefer the half-side half-tummy with one leg up crane-like sleeping position. But you know how you don't miss something until it's gone? That's me with the back sleeping. And in truth I'll sometimes catch myself on my back and wonder what the big deal is. It's not like there's suddenly some horrific pain that alerts me to get off of my back. Not that back sleeping would help with my congestion, which leads me to...

2. Sinus issues. Ugh. I had no idea that come week 8 the bloody boogers would show up. I couldn't stop producing boogers, and when everyone around me not-so-discreetly started rubbing their own noses, I knew my overflow was showing up for my colleagues to see. I almost became paranoid that I had constant BIVs (booger in view). And now the congestion just travels down my throat all night. I've woken up just to be sick to my stomach. As well, I've woken up and realized that one eye is swollen because my sinuses are all messed up. Apparently, according to the experts, this has something to do with hormones. I don't need specifics. I just need to know how to wear my bite guard when I have so much congestion I can't breathe.

3. One question keeps popping up. Inevitably gender comes up. No, I don't know what I'm having. And if you've ever met me and Josh, you know that we're going to find out the gender because not knowing is not an option. I need to plan people. But the question that irks me is "do you have a preference?" Doesn't everyone? Even if the preference isn't overwhelming, doesn't everyone care at least 51% in one direction? And how do I admit what it is when I might be having the opposite gender?

4. The body smells are really getting to me. Yes, I can smell better than a blood hound. Thank the pregnancy and the lack of cigarette smoke numbing out my sense of smell. But I've noticed a smell I can't get rid of. Jessica says it is normal, so I will share. My boobs smell like sweet musty oatmeal. I can't make this up. Maybe because my boobs have doubled in size, or because I now sweat all night regardless of clothing or blankets, but I can't shake the smell. And it doesn't appear anyone else can smell it, though I've only asked the hub and he says he can't. It seems to go well with the new case of chest acne.

5. My belly. Yes, I'm almost 18 weeks. No, I'm not having twins. And I need people to stop being so surprised when they ask how much I've gained (really bad question in general) and I tell them 1 pound. Yes, it has been verified by my doctor. One singular pound. Yes, I've got a poking out belly. That's the baby fool.

That's all I've got so far. Please feel free to share your own "is that normal?" moments!


  1. it's all so glamorous isn't it? :) i don't know about the whole oatmeal boobs thing (i guess you have to have boobs in order for that to be an issue), but the constant mucus in the throat at night is TRAGIC. that's the number 1 reason i have had morning sickness my entire pregnancy... it was the same with reese. only this time because i've already squeezed out a watermelon i pee simultaneously to puking. oh the glamour!

  2. I too had these questions and I found a place for all the answers. If you go to and join your due date month message boards there are tons of women who share their experiences and questions. This helped me out a lot and I still read them to get answers for my little one. Hope it helps!

  3. thanks traci! i will check it out. rachel - this puking/peeing thing has come up before and i do fear it. happened to my poor friend outside a 7-11. 8 months pregnant!

    also, i should have added #6 - complete inability to regulate body temperature. i'm sure that's contributing to everything else! :)

  4. FYI--> Tim refers to this sleeping position as "The Heisman". I also do it, it's in our blood. If someone slipped a football into our outstretched hand, it would look like a victory dance in the end field. It's not a pretty position ,but damn if it ain't comfortable!
