Wednesday, July 3, 2024

179 months old


Britton had so much fun at Texas A&M Galveston Sea Camp!  She was in the coastal ecology camp, with ages 12-15, and got to indulge in all things marine biology - dissections, wading through the marshes looking for specimens, riding in the boat, going to the aquarium, and so much more.  Unfortunately, a storm came through while she was there, so their beach bonfire got rained out, but I think she'd say she got to do enough to make it worth going (her roommate's boy drama notwithstanding).

Britton has been working on her volunteer hours this summer, making cookies and rolling silverware.  And she got to celebrate her friend's birthday with a fun stroll through the outdoor shopping center (while us moms went shopping too, just not with the girls).  She's officially halfway through her summer vacation!

Likes:  playing Roblox and Dress to Impress with her friend Jody

Dislikes:  the mildewy smell of her camp clothes - everything was damp!

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