Thursday, June 20, 2024

barrett: 133 months old


We're knee-deep into June!  Barrett has fully embraced summer vacation.  He's having fun swimming in the pool, sleeping in, and playing too many video games. He's at his first sleep away camp, and while I worried about him going because Barrett does not like new things, he's acclimated pretty quickly and is enjoying himself.  Other than the choppy boat ride!  He's at Texas A&M Galveston Sea Camp (with Britton, though she's in a different camp group) and living in the dorms this week.  They are learning about marine animals, doing dissections, visiting the aquarium, strolling through marshes to collect samples and do experiments and science stuff, and going out on boat rides.  I hope he remembers his sunscreen!

Likes: cooking!  And he's getting really good at it!

Dislikes: when his bangs get too long and flop into his eyes

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