Monday, August 8, 2016

barrett: 39 months old

This bundle of sunshine hasn't decided to be 3 years old full-time, so we still get great days of cuddling and sweetness.  Other times, not so much, but that's being 3.  Sometimes life gets too hard, and he actually does want the juice he just said he doesn't want, and Sadie is looking at the toy that belongs to him and only him even if he doesn't really want to play with it so long as you don't play with it- yeah, some days are like that.  But luckily, when it's your second kid, you know it's coming, and we've just ignored the fits until he gives up and decides to find Baby Bels in the fridge.  Yesterday morning, at around 11:00 am, he came up to me and said, "Mom, I tired, I want to snuggle in your bed, and we go to sleep."  Ummm, you've been up for 2 hours, Barrett!  But we did snuggle, and after a couple of minutes he was ready for lunch and a trip to IKEA.  

Barrett starts part-time preschool on the same day Britton starts second grade, a mere two weeks from tomorrow.  It'll be good for Barrett to be with kids his own age, playing and interacting with them.  Plus, he's been pretty laid back on potty training (read: only shows interest every now and then), so I hope that seeing other kids heading to the bathroom will spur him on.  

Likes:  swimming in the pool, playing on his Kindle, playing tag, alternating between hating his favorite foods (for instance, hot dogs) and then being completely willing to try new foods (for instance, dragon fruit), cuddling Sadie (definitely not a "like" for Sadie!)

Dislikes: going anywhere he doesn't feel like going, being rushed

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