Thursday, April 7, 2016

barrett: 35 months old

Guess who is one month away from turning three years old?!  Yep, I can't believe it either!  Barrett is growing by leaps and bounds - not only is he ridiculously tall but he's counting and telling me letters and talking in full-on paragraphs.  Barrett loves when I sing him songs, which is a total change.  I used to try and sing to him and he'd say, "No Mommy, no singing!"  Now we sing songs and he loves it (it has to be the songs because it is certainly not my voice!).

Barrett's current favorite activity is going on walks.  I only wish that we could get some consistent decent weather, as Barrett would spend all day every day outside if he could.  He still rides in his Cozy Coupe, though he outgrew it long ago - it's comical to see him squeezed in there!

Barrett loves animals so much - he's constantly chasing the poor dog and cat!  When we went with Memaw and PawPaw to buy their baby chickens, he held his hand out and said, "I want to hold them!!!"  He's tickled by these chickens!

Likes:  Sadie and Nella, the chicks, playing in dirt, cookies, strawberries, being outdoors

Dislikes: being smaller and slower than Britton - he just wants to keep up with her constantly!

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