Sunday, September 13, 2015

saxonburg arts festival and quilt show

Last year, after seeing a sign advertising it, we all ventured out to the Saxonburg Arts Festival.  Saxonburg is a tiny, historic-looking town, that is nearby our town.  The festival was fun, filled with the usual trove of food trucks, face-painting, and people hocking primitives and handmade items.  While there last year, we stumbled across a quilt show in the church, and I vowed that this year I would enter. So I did.

I dropped off my Dresden plate beauty last Wednesday, and while the rain kept everyone away yesterday, we were able to get out today.  And we walked into the hall and my quilt was right in the front!  Right after we took some glamour shots with it, a lady asked me if I knew the woman who made the quilt.  I said, "Yes.  Me."  She said she absolutely loved the colors and thought it was amazing - I soon found out she runs the entire quilt show!  Alas, I did not win the show, but it was fun entering a quilt for the first time ever.  And Britton was so proud of me, and immediately started planning her first "real" quilt!

We weren't just there for the quilts - the kids wanted a caramel apple.  And kettle corn.  And lemonade. And Britton got an American Girl doll dress from this lady who makes and sells them - only $18 and the dress was incredible!  There were so many Halloween decorations I wanted, but the storm clouds started moving in and we decided to head out before we got soaked.  

This caramel apple is STICKY!


  1. Oh my gosh you're famous! LOVE that quilt!!

  2. Oh my gosh you're famous! LOVE that quilt!!

  3. Thanks! It was fun to make, but quilting it took FOREVER! Are you still quilting Mandy???

  4. No, unfortunately not. Sad face. I haven't got my stuff out in forever. I don't have a dedicated space to do it in right now and I can't stand the clutter when I do decide to pull it all out. The struggle is
