Thursday, October 25, 2012

i had it coming

Do you remember that car commercial where the dad puts the little girl into the car, and she doesn't stop talking the entire time? Britton has gotten to that point in life, and it's completely my fault because that is the way the universe works. Let me explain...

I started noticing that Britton had more to say on our drive home from daycare.  Instead of the usual one-word answers to my questions, she started expanding into whole stories.  Stories about her friends, by name, what each one said to the other, entire re-enactments of the trials and tribulations of the playground.  I admit, I loved it because it gave me an insight into her days.  But it's moved into another realm, and I don't know if I can handle it.

We've gotten into movies now.  Britton treats movies like long television shows, and doesn't mind only watching 30 minutes at a time.  It's fine, because all she really wants to watch is Disney Princesses now, and at least I don't have to listen to commercials.  Though, admittedly, I do find myself missing Dora, but that's neither here nor there.  The problem comes when Britton takes a deep breath at the opening credits, and DOESN'T STOP TALKING for the entire movie.  She's not chattering, no.  She's asking question after question after question after question.  It goes a little something like this:

B:  "Who is that man with Snow White?  Where are they going to?  Why is Snow White running away from that man?  Why does that tree look mean?  Why is Snow White crying?  Where is the Queen?  Where did the little rabbits come from?  Why are the animals showing Snow White that cottage?  Where are the seven dwarfs?  Why aren't they home from work yet?  Can I go to your work Mommy?  Why is Snow White cleaning?"

It's constant.  And if you don't answer or even dare to get a little fed up with it, Britton gets mad.  So it's just easier to answer.  And I've learned that if I want to stay sane, I just make up the answers as I go.  No need to be accurate.  It then becomes a little entertaining game for me.

B:  "Why did Snow White eat the apple?"

Me:  "Because she's not too bright, honey."

The hub informs me that I as well ask question after question after question while we watch movies, so I don't see Britton growing out of it soon.  I'm telling myself she didn't learn it from me, since we don't watch any movie I like together.  But who knows?  According to the hub, I had it coming.

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