Monday, October 7, 2024

182 months old


We're in October!  And the hubs and I were away playing in Charleston, SC with Aunt Jessica and Uncle Tim, so I'm posting late.  Britton is definitely in her groove with school now - the first six weeks are always the hardest to get back into the rhythm, but she's over the hump now and doing well.  This year Britton is taking Debate for her speech credit, and is really enjoying it!  She's definitely not her mother's daughter, as I went well into my 30s before I could talk in front of people without sweating and shaking.  She's got a tournament coming up in November, and the hubs has agreed to volunteer as a judge!  I love that she's getting comfortable having her say and speaking her mind, all while thinking on her feet.  

Likes:  Strawberry Shortcake's friend Plum Pudding as a Halloween costume

Dislikes: softball practice has started focusing on running, Britton's exercise nemesis

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