Sunday, January 8, 2023

barrett: 116 months old


I took Barrett's photo on time but of course didn't get a post up!  That's what happens when the weekend rolls around - the days blend into nonstop errands and to-dos, and I look up and it's Sunday night way too fast.  I already miss the lazy days between Christmas and New Year's, and I know Barrett does too, because he has been ornery about getting back into the swing of things.  Luckily, he's only in 4th grade, so there's not a ton of homework or anything, just getting used to getting up at 7:00 am again!

Barrett has been resistant to our reading time over break - he wanted a break from anything remotely "school." But I've pushed and now we're back to Harry Potter!  We're well into the third book, when Sirius Black shows up and the story really takes off, and I have no idea how long it's going to take us to read the entire series - years probably!  Barrett got a couple of the Harry Potter Lego books and the big Harry and Hermione Lego statues for Christmas, so I think that's helped get his "Harry Potter spark" back.

Likes:  playing soccer with his new FIFA ball, riding bikes in the neighborhood with his BFF

Dislikes:  getting up early

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