Wednesday, April 7, 2021

barrett: 95 months old

We are a mere ONE MONTH away from Barrett turning 8!!  Granted, the last year has been a bit of a Groundhog Day-eque blur, but seriously - where does the time go?  Because every morning, upon being woken up (like Sadie before him, Barrett is not a self-starter), Barrett and I snuggle in the booger nook, which is him being cuddled up on my lap in his bedroom chair.  And every morning, I notice how much bigger he is than the extremely-large baby (10 lbs, 10 oz) he was, and I find it completely unfair that he's getting so much older so fast.  Maybe it's hardest with your youngest, because you know there are a whole host of "last times" you're heading towards.

Enough about my whining - onto Barrett!  He starts soccer back up this Saturday!  We got new cleats last week, and while his Crocs are a size 3, his new cleats are a size 5, so clearly I have not been keeping up with his growing feet.  He and his BFF Walker are completely into Pokemon right now, and if you had guessed that Pokemon would be the one character Crocs doesn't make shoes in, you'd be right.  So, I'm still scrounging.  And of course, the birthday party theme will be.........Pokemon!  Minecraft narrowly lost in this heated battle.

Likes:  Squirtle, going to the playground, riding bikes

Dislikes:  being made to come home when he'd rather be playing, thinking about his upcoming spelling test


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