Wednesday, September 2, 2020

133 months old

Britton is now three weeks into school, and officially a middle schooler!  I have a quick story.  Our local library does pick up, but doesn't usually have newer publications available.  And the school libraries aren't open.  Britton was getting to the point of re-reading books again, and I didn't know the best titles to buy from Amazon.  Aunt Jessica, middle school librarian, to the rescue!  She emailed me a ton of titles, with a synopsis for each book, and Britton and I went through the list to pick out what interested her.  For a kid who loves to read, and currently has way more free time to do it, Britton was so excited to get a fresh supply of new books!  

One new class this year - band!  Britton was originally going to play the flute, but her band directors thought she'd do better at the clarinet.  So, the clarinet it is!

Other than the huge change of not actually being in a classroom this year, everything else seems somewhat normal.  Unfortunately, Britton can't really participate in dance or volleyball (which she really wanted to do this year), swim team, or her local theater group.  For the first time in what feels like forever, neither child has fun extracurricular activities, and both are missing them terribly.  Of course, when you live in Texas, where covid is still flourishing, this becomes the new normal to stay safe.

Likes:  being able to dye her hair red because she isn't actually in school, snuggling with Nella

Dislikes:  when Nella doesn't want to be snuggled


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