Thursday, July 2, 2020

131 months old

The days are blending for Britton - since she's on summer vacation, there's no real difference between a Monday and a Saturday!  Other than, of course, on weekdays she has to entertain herself because the hubs and I have had our workloads ridiculously increased in the past few weeks.  Britton was taking twice-weekly volleyball lessons from a girl who plays for her college team, and really enjoying it!  It was a safe activity she could do, since dance, camp, theater, and swim team were all cancelled.  They played outdoors, just the two of them, and maintained separation.  Unfortunately though, her coach was exposed to the coronavirus and tested positive.  She is the first person I know personally with coronavirus!  She alerted us to her positive results, so we all got tested, and got our results yesterday - all negative!  And we're past two weeks since exposure, so we're all good.  I'm so relieved! 

I think Britton has been spending too much time in her room, because we are redecorating it!  Her room is currently baby pink, and sadly, my little girl is tired of the pink.  So, I let her take the reins for the changes -she picked out her new comforter and her paint color (Sherwin Williams "California Blue").  She's growing up and ready to own her space, and while I'm not ready (honestly, will I ever be?), I know she needs to make her mark on her world.

Aunt Jessica knew we were trying to find fun ways to get the kids to be active, and suggested we try some races on Yes.Fit.  You sign up for a race, then track walking, biking, swimming (any activity, really), and when you complete the mileage of the race, you get a medal!  Britton did the 20 mile "Alice in Wonderland" race and Barrett did the 28 mile "Tombstone" (western) race.  It took us a few tries to remember to track our mileage on our family bike rides, but once we got into the swing of it, the races really did motivate the kids to be more active.  Their medals arrived today, and I think they will probably sign up for more races.

Likes:  drawing, "Percy Jackson" books - she started the series and loves it!

Dislikes:  brushing her hair daily (as seen in her pictures above), wearing anything but giant sweatshirts

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