Doesn't Barrett look so much older with his glasses? After his teacher reported that he couldn't see the board in class, and knowing our entire family needs glasses, we knew Barrett would soon be bespectacled. He needs them for class, but doesn't have to wear them at recess or PE, which helps immensely with the fogging up on his lenses when he's wearing his mask at school.
Today was the first Super Bowl where Barrett actually watched some of the game! He then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening wrestling the hubs, riding him like a pony, and trying to get some game time on the Switch, but we enticed him to watch a bit of the game. Barrett may not have much interest in football, but he is interested in the other football, soccer, which he starts after Spring Break! It's been a year (well, since everything ever was cancelled) since he played soccer, and we're trying out another league this season. He's pretty excited!
Likes: wearing glasses, corgis, reading all the "Stink" books, riding bikes with Memaw, running the mile at school (he voluntarily joined the "running club", which runs at recess!)
Dislikes: putting away laundry, getting up for school on Monday morning (letting go of the weekend is hard for all of us)