Look who is one month away from turning 6! He's so geared up for his birthday party. I had to plan his birthday a bit earlier this year, since we were going to Germany and Austria during prime birthday-planning time. We're going with a dinosaur theme this year, and I think his little friends will have a blast!
This kid has the biggest heart. Let me share something that happened today - Britton was scootering down the driveway and took a spill. She banged up her elbow pretty badly, and was crying. I hurried her inside to wash her scrape, and after, I noticed Barrett still outside, crying. He was upset because he didn't want Britton to hurt and he was worried about her. He then went and drew her some pictures to make her feel better. A ridiculously sweet kid he is.
Likes: Power Rangers, gummy bears, chocolate from Germany
Dislikes: waiting for his birthday