here i am at 12 weeks, 3 weeks ago. in the same sweatshirt and black stretchy pants i wear every day after work. like a uniform. i think because i have to wear a suit to work, i rebel when i get home and i just get downright comfy.
we have started a name list on the fridge. my friend jen suggested it, and it makes sense because i have baby brain now and can't remember anything. and being a criminal defense attorney, i need to remember things. like words. and the baby brain makes me scared of trial because i've now started, for the first time in my life, switching words that are wrong. for instance, i'll point to my husband's wallet and say, "don't forget to take your watch." and he'll look at me, and then it occurs to me i just said watch instead of wallet. or i'll say, "let's plead a dui to a reckless driving. you know, lower the case. no, i don't mean "lower." what's another word for lower? and then someone points out that i mean "reduce." and of course i mean "reduce" but i just can't think of the word.
so back to the list - we've started it, with "barnaby blackbeard" heading up the boy's side, and "margot rita" for the girl's side. joke names? maybe...... and now i'm just ready to know what we're having already. i need to buy clothes that aren't white, green, or yellow. no more ducks! i want flowers or dump trucks, pink or blue. and i want to order bedding for the nursery. we have the crib and the changing table, still need a dresser. haven't put anything together, and stuff is just piling up in the corner of the nursery. but i still need to order bedding, even if it will sit in the corner next to the now never-used stationary bike, and not be opened for months.