The entire night was a flash-back to those grueling colic nights, and I was instantly panicking at the memories. My post-partum issues, still not completely resolved (and may never be without a lobotomy) instantly flared into the constant thought, "She is going to cry all night. She will cry all night every night. I will never sleep again." Admittedly, this is a place I cannot go back to and escape unscathed.
So the hub stayed home with her Monday morning and called the doctor's office to get another appointment. I met them there, and come to find out the ear infection was now in both ears, and her right ear drum was red and bulging. The oral antibiotics are no longer working. Britton had to get two shots of antibiotics in her thighs. Now, the nurse mentioned that the shots had lidocaine in them to help with the pain. I noticed that this news made the hub antsy and I asked him why. He said that if they have lidocaine, it hurts. And it did. Luckily the hub was willing to be the one to hold Britton down as I was in the corner blocking my eyes. We had to go back today for another round of shots. And tomorrow Britton has another appointment to check on her ears, in case she needs a third round of shots.
This is THREE ear infections in a month and a half. Suffice it to say, she has a consultation regarding tubes on March 29th with an ENT.
Friday, before the storm...

Tuesday, happy despite the raging bacteria farm in her middle ear canals...

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