Last fall my mom and I got some daffodil and tulip bulbs, which I planted in the front flower bed. Underneath Britton's window is a thick row of daffodils, and on either side are red tulips (the hub's favorite). So you can imagine my surprise when I saw that the bulbs are blooming! In West Virginia I couldn't get anything to bloom until May at the earliest. I also made another discovery, though this one not nearly so sweet. A neighborhood cat has taken to using my flower bed as its own private restroom. The mulch is thrown about, there are holes dangerously close to the bulbs I broke my back putting in, and of course, everyone's favorite, turds aplenty. Ugh. I've been putting coffee grinds out front because I read it can deter cats. If that doesn't work, the hub has always wanted a moving target for shooting practice.
Anywho, I got a catalogue in the mail this weekend and loved this wreath. $49? Not so much. Add on shipping and it's ridiculous.

So I went to Michaels (and their buy-one-get-one-free sale on silk flowers) and MADE MY OWN STINKING SPRING WREATH. And you know what? I think it turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.

And here's Britton, not caring about the cat turds or wreath. Just ready for spring.

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