I've loved this pregnancy. Everything about it. But, in reflecting on motherhood today, I can say there are two things becoming a mother has given me that I will gladly give back. First, the underwear situation. I kept reading that pregnancy underwear is a rip-off, blah blah blah, so I kept wearing my normal everyday underwear. That is, until it started creeping down because of the belly. I called my sister for advice, and it was she who uttered those horrendous words - "Oh, you need to buy the big underwear. The kind that goes over the bellybutton." Ugh. So I did. And you know what? She was right.
New, bigger ain't better, undies:
Normal, everyday undies from days of yore:
Fun, haven't seen (or fit into) in a couple of years, undies:
Now, a comparison:
Hmmmm. Not only am I outgrowing my undies, I'm now outgrowing my body. Second thing I will gladly give back? The stretch marks.
I threw away the Palmers cocoa butter lotion because I couldn't stand the smell. I've been using Eucerin religiously since day one. And I thought I was in the clear. Sure, I ignored that my genetics said I'd get them. I really and truly believed I would be exempt. I've only gained 16 pounds total and I'm 26 weeks along! But no, it was not to be. At first they cropped up a few at a time, which really helped with the freak-out situation. Now, the stretch marks think it's funny I hyperventilate and show the hub the imaginary line of what a tummy tuck can accomplish.
So, happy Mother's Day to all my mommas out there!
Scrappy Woven Stars Finished Quilt
1 day ago
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