Baby B's "coming home from the hospital" outfit we picked out at Macy's. Originally $46 *gasp* we got it almost half off. Yes! Love the smocking and little flowers. Think it'll fit in the already-crammed baby book for safe-keeping?

Cutest letters I could find. The hub and I went to an art festival in town, and stumbled upon one of those baby stores where everything costs too much and you recognize the brand because Gwen Stefani's boys wear it. But we spotted these letters, and I love that they are antiqued and lower-case!

My balloon shade! Nothing screams "little girl" more than a balloon shade. We went with white because we didn't want to do too much pink. I found the pink and green plaid ribbon at Hobby Lobby 50% off, as well as the raspberry polka-dot ribbon, so I added both to spice it up.

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