I got a call from my doctor's office, which makes a first in my life. Seriously, for as many pap smears, and strep throat tests, and blood screenings I have had in my life, I don't think a doctor's office has ever called me to give me results. Mostly I chalk my ignorance up to bliss and figure that if there were any problems the doctor's office would tell me. At least if I am mistaken, I have laid the ground work for a profitable wrongful death suit. Anywho, they reported that my glucose test was "high." And then proceeded to interrupt/talk over me about how I have to call the lab and make an appointment for a three hour test and did I have any questions? How about, can I put off the test until I eat one of every Hostess and Little Debbie sugary snack cake available? Sweets are my thing! They always have, which makes it difficult if the hub and I are both craving something, because he craves savory and I crave sweet.
So, I called the lab and they scheduled me for 8:00 a.m. Tuesday. And the lady from the lab said "8:00 a.m." as if I would have a problem with it. "That means you have to be here at 8:00 ready to start the test. On time." I was left wondering if punctuality is a big issue for most people taking a glucose test. Are they just stuck in line at Starbucks and Krispy Kreme?
I have to fast before this one, but I can drink water, which the lab lady told me no less than 15 times. Are people's veins just shutting down from dehydration during the glucose test? I have to remember (remember? HA!) to bring a book because I'm thinking that being surrounded by sick people for 3 hours with only daytime tv to distract me won't go well. So, I'm left with the chocolate chip walnut cookies I made today and the hopes that after this test no one calls me with results.