Today is Britton's SECOND birthday!!! Our day was pretty normal, with us going to work and Britton going to daycare. She brought cupcakes to share with her class, and seeing how every kid's birthday seems like it fits in this two-week span, the kids are all jacked up on sugary cupcakes every day. The hub picked her up early and they met me at the pediatrician's office for Britton's two year check up.
Britton passed the time between acing her milestone discussion and getting a vaccine by wearing two purple rubber gloves.
Britton is 37 inches tall (over 97th percentile) and 32 pounds (95th percentile). To give you a perspective, she is currently the size of the average three year old. The doctor said she's doing really well, doesn't have autism (we never thought she did, but they check that stuff), and that she doesn't have to drink whole milk anymore.
Britton is reaching so many heights we just weren't expecting this early. She can count to 10 in English and Spanish, she "reads" her books to us because she has them memorized, she can say her entire alphabet and almost spell her name (the 2 "t"s get her), and physically she can throw a ball and run. She very recently started asking for Dora the Explorer on television, and I found out that at daycare she sees an episode on Thursdays. She loves playing with iPhones and even put a new picture on my background without my knowledge (and videotaped her feet and took pictures of the ottoman).
Britton's vocabulary is through the roof! In addition to full-on sentences, she uses "thank you," "excuse me," and "please" correctly. She mimics us on the phone, holding her play phone up to her ear and having a conversation, with inflection! She is infinitely more interested in Sadie than in the past, trying to tickle Sadie, pet her, and carrying on a conversation with her. We haven't had too many discipline problems out of her except for her penchant to hit when she gets pissed. But I grab her arm and not-so-gently tell her we don't hit and she gets the idea. Or she cries and the hub and I point and laugh. Either way, momma ain't raising no brat!
Britton's eating is still going well. She has discovered a yogurt she likes - the orange mousse from La Creme. In fact, she had a bowl of it tonight during her bath. Something else that happened in her bath tonight - Britton pooped in the tub for the first time ever! I know some people don't celebrate these kinds of achievements, but really? The hub got the camera and I won't subject you to the photos, but I will subject Britton's future dates to them. Also, today at daycare Britton peed on the potty for the first time! So it seems we're moving right along on the potty training, though we've done nothing to push it on her. The potty is in the family room and she sits on it when the mood strikes her.
Britton is wearing 3T clothes, size 5 diapers and pull-ups, and size 7 shoes. Britton got some cute outfits from Cammy and Memaw for her birthday, so I've tried to stop buying summer clothes. I am impatiently waiting for the adorable fall stuff to come out!
This is the cement handprint we did today before dinner. We did one last year too and I loved that it froze a single moment in time. Memaw and PawPaw have one too from Britton's first Mother's Day, and Britton puts her hand up to it when she's sitting at their table. The change is remarkable.
Happy Second Birthday to my beautiful precious and ever-so-lovely baby girl!
Scrappy Woven Stars Finished Quilt
1 day ago
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