Only one more month until Britton turns two and I seriously cannot believe it. She has grown in leaps and bounds in her vocabulary lately - she can sing the alphabet song the entire way through, can count to ten on her own, and she has taken to talking in full sentences with descriptive words. No longer is it, "No want." Now it's, "I don't want that. Yucky." She repeats everything we say, though luckily she hasn't caught on to my sailor mouth yet.
No statistics since we don't go to the doctor for a month, but she's getting so tall and her hair is so long that she is regularly mistaken for a three-year-old. Britton is absolutely in love with being outdoors, which can be tough in the hot 100 degree days in Texas. She loves her baby pool, especially splashing, as well as chalk drawing and her sand and water table. She is identifying more things in her books, and knows tons of animals. Britton's favorite color du jour is pink, and she can also identify purple, blue, and sometimes red and green if she feels like it!
Britton sings along to her Laurie Berkner CD every morning, and even if she doesn't know all the words she sings a jumble of words to the tune. She also enjoys pointing out every single car, truck, and cow we pass on the way to daycare!
Britton is now in 3T and 4T clothes, mainly due to her height. She is wearing size 7 shoes and can put on and take off her own shoes and socks. Paw Paw and Memaw took Britton to the boat store today, and she spied one of those portable toilets on the boat. Paw Paw said she pulled down her shorts, pulled up her shirt, and attempted to pull off her diaper to use the toilet! She likes sitting on the potty and can identify correctly when she has peed or pooped in her diaper, but for now sitting on the potty hasn't produced any byproducts.
As far as eating, if Britton eats a big lunch she isn't so hungry for dinner. She has finally tried yogurt and liked it, but since then it's been hit or miss. She also liked the hub's lunch today of pickles and hummus on pita, so we're letting her eat off our plates if the food interests her. It just exposes her to more variety. Britton has lately been really into bananas, strawberries, lemonade, coleslaw, broccoli rice casserole, and fruit chewies.

Likes: water in any form, coloring, singing, when people visit us, iced tea, ice in general, reading books, sitting on the potty, ice cream
Dislikes:Having her diaper changed, having her hair done, being made to come indoors when it's too hot out, when Sadie tries to steal her food

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