Table decoration:

Favor Bags, with "sheriff" badges, pencils, stickers, Slinky Jrs, and candy:

Cake from HEB, the best dang grocery store this side of the Rio Grande!

Only two kids showed up to the party, even though nine were invited! In fact, it was super-irritating because other than the kids that showed up, no one RSVPed. Well, actually that's not true - one girl's mom said they would be here, and didn't bother to show up, so I don't count her RSVP. No problem though as Britton gets along with Garrett and Jackson and loved jumping on our couches with them.

Britton was actually trying to fight some kind of cold/crud this morning, coughing like a seal and with the voice of an old man. She used up all of her energy being the hostess with the mostest and wasn't super-excited about opening all of her gifts. She got through Cammy's and Aunt's Jessica's gifts and loved them, but then turned a cold shoulder to some of my gifts. Oh, well - she'll open them on Tuesday!
She did open Memaw and Paw Paw's gifts once our guests left, because she was once again in the mood to party. She got pajamas, clothes, books, art supplies, a tea set, a "make up" kit, and a play kitchen.

After a costume change and nap, Britton was ready to play! So much so in fact that she cut her nap to ONE WHOLE HOUR so that she could get up and find her new toys. I was looking forward to a nap on the couch, but it's not my birthday so play we did.

Happy 2nd Birthday Britton! Stats to come on Tuesday after her yearly check-up (on her real birthday).