1. Maybe I don't hate all spiders.Here's Annie. He (yes, he) is a banana spider. And he's keeping the bug population down, so he can stay. Until Tuesday between 4:30 and 5:30 pm, when our bug guy is showing up.

2. Don't ever give up on Wal-Mart. I detest Wal-Mart. DETEST it. The clientele makes me easily give up on society's chances of succeeding, and everything seems slightly dirty. But Memaw alerted me to the fact that they now carry pre-cut fabric. More specifically, that this adorable collection was on their shelves! I parked 500 miles away from the entrance, stepped around degenerates just loitering about, ignored some seriously misspelled and misguided tattoos on bodies that didn't need to be showing so much skin to begin with, and found it. About 30 minutes of waiting in line later, here's my newest quilt.

3. Be prepared that any exposure to anything could lead to addiction. I so innocently enough showed Britton a video on the computer of her Easter egg hunt and one of the hub reading a book to her. Watching the video is all she wanted to do for every minute of every day spent in this house. But only while on my lap. I know the videos by heart now.

4. Toddlers break your stuff. I got this snowglobe the first time the hub and I went to Disney World together on December 16, 2003, a mere four months into our relationship. Dang it all if I didn't spend Saturday afternoon gluing it back together. I refuse to replace it because it lasted almost 8 years and 500 moves. I will now amend the date on the bottom of it to read, "ALSO - 6/10/2011 - the day Britton threw it to the ground." And I will never let Britton so much as look at something I can't easily replace.

5. Letting your kid snack means she's not eating dinner. Why were the two packs of gummy fruits a bad idea? Because the before and after pictures of her dinner are the same. Well, except for one chicken nugget, which I gave to Sadie for being an awesome dog.

6. Play kids' games their way. Yeah, I have no idea where you're hiding when you go to the same spot over and over again and leave body parts out. But it's still fun to pretend I have no idea where you are and to ask Sadie repeatedly where you went. Even more fun that you believe me every time.

7. Having a kid makes me want the cool stuff I had when I was a kid. Like this beach cruiser the hub ordered for me when the 300 Targets he checked were out of the beach cruiser I've coveted for months. I love it. It reminds me of home and rides like the cruiser I had as a kid. And it has a pepperoni pizza bell, which I ring incessantly.

8. If you live in Texas, get a pool. We're not ready to sink $25,000 into a real pool, but this one will suffice for the summer. Because we've had it inflated for two days, and Britton has been in three times.

9. Salted caramel cupcakes are the new red velvet. Yeah, you heard it here first. Well, probably not. But they are awesome and everyone loved them.

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