On Friday morning, I dropped Britton off at daycare like a normal day. But instead of going to work I went home. The hub had snuck away early to go pick up his parents' minivan and was out cutting the grass. The occasion? Our much-anticipated visit with Jessica and her entire family! Let me tell you first-hand, its not easy getting us all in one room. Either someone has to work or the airline tickets are too expensive or there's no vacation time left or something. And inevitably trips to visit family get pushed aside for trips to Disney World or Las Vegas or some other glamourous locale. But Jessica and I decided, in a shared nostalgic frenzy, that THIS trip was going to take priority, THIS trip was getting planned beyond hypotheticals, THIS trip was going to happen. Because I can't not see them. And I can't not share my family with my sister's family. BECAUSE THIS IS FAMILY.
And we made it work. Friday morning the hub and I loaded into the minivan and set off for the airport to pick them all up.

Once everyone was hugged and squeezed, all bags collected, we headed off for lunch. Since we're an hour earlier than Virginia, Jessica's family was starved. And the hub knew of a great burger place in Dallas. So off we were. Burgers ended up becoming a common occurrence over our visit - we had them at least three times! But the trip back home was a lot more doable for everyone stuck on a plane for hours once a little food was in the belly.
You can't see it in this picture, but Emily was wearing a onesie that said something to the effect of, "I love my auntie!" It was a great surprise and so sweet.

We got back to our house, gave the grand tour (as no one had yet seen the new house), and hung out for a little bit before Jessica and the kids came with me to pick up Britton. I had talked to her about them visiting, using everyone's name (which she learned quickly!), but nothing really prepares a toddler for seeing five people she hasn't seen in over a year. She was quiet, studied everyone carefully, then once crayons were laid out in front of her she gave in and decided to have some fun.

And of course there was never a need to worry (at least not at that time, but you'll find out more later) and Britton joined right in on being "one of the cousins." Caroline and Garrett included her in activities, like playing on the computer, playing the piano, and splashing in the pool, and she got a hoot out of being with the "big kids."

Now, Emily - Emily is an amazingly good baby. She put up with travel, time changes, no schedule, a completely new place, AND teething and still smiled. But something we never expected happened - Britton started calling Jessica "Momma" when she was with the baby. I tried not to take it personally but I still did.

And Britton went on to full-on regression - sucking on a pacifier (even though she never took one as a baby), getting in the baby "Whale of a Tub" bathtub, insisting on using the high chair, temper tantrums, etc. It was trying, to say the least. It threw me and the hub for a loop because we didn't know what was causing the behavior, though we should have suspected that Britton wouldn't understand having another person there that looks just like her mommy!

Up and ready on Saturday morning, we all ventured out to the Fort Worth Zoo in blazing hot temperatures. The Fort Worth Zoo is one of my favorite places here because it includes so many great animals. Don't get me wrong - I'll look at nature all day long. But a zoo featuring squirrels and pigeons doesn't really blow up my skirt. At this zoo we all got our fill of rhinos, meerkats, elephants, giraffes, and turtles.

I have to tell you this funny story. Jessica gave me a Laurie Berkner CD long ago, and I play it anytime Britton is in the car. I recommend it for parents who tire easily of crappy kids' songs. Laurie Berkner is fantastic - so fantastic in fact that Jessica has had her CDs since her oldest were young. Well, all the kids (minus Emily) were in my car on the way home, and Caroline and Garrett knew every word to those songs! Their favorite (and mine) was "Victor Vito", which Caroline, Jessica, and I used to sing in the car when Caroline was Britton's age.
Then it was back home for some play time and bath time. Next post - the group photo session on Sunday!