I decided to go with the baby boy's quilt first since I knew the parents were decorating with a cowboy theme. The fabric yelled at me from across Hobby Lobby. The hub picked out the kid fabric. You want to know something funny about the kid fabric? I fell in love with it because it was fun, sweet, child-like, and cowboy themed. And it wasn't until I was cutting off the edge that I noticed the fabric had a name...... "Cowgirls." Looking back over the fabric I now see that all the kids are girls! And at that point I was over halfway finished with the quilt top. But hopefully the parents-to-be won't notice or care, since they are having a little cowboy.
My first step was putting together the pattern. I scoured internet photos before coming upon this pattern below, which was made all the easier because the blocks are bigger. See that picture of the pattern below? I actually made that by finding images of my fabric and putting the images on the paper in the order of the pattern. Because I don't have experience with what fabrics look good together, I needed a visual on what the different patterns would look like.

Here is my first nine square, the first of four.

The finished top. It still needs batting and a bottom (which will be the kid fabric) and, of course, the quilting. All will be accomplished this weekend when I sequester Grandma for a quilting lesson.

I don't have the quilting accessories, mainly because I don't like investing in a hobby unless I'm going to stick with it. And since I'm only on my first quilt, no need to max out the credit card at Joann's quite yet. So, I ran into needing a straight edge, but we don't have one. So I marked my 4-inch measurement on each side of this old license plate, lined it up with my fabric, and marked my line. It worked fine, but I don't recommend it for complete accuracy!

I love the cowboy print! so cuuute