Wow - have nineteen months really passed since I had this baby? Seems she is not so much a baby anymore, what with her running and talking and interactions. Britton is now a full-fledged toddler. She is still growing like a weed - wearing 3T clothes now, with a stash of 4T summer clothes waiting in the closet. Really, if I don't buy it now, the shelves will be picked over by April! She is doing really well at daycare, and no longer cries or carries on when I leave her in the morning. I watch through the window after I leave and see her just sitting there, munching on her breakfast and smiling at the other kids and teachers. She loves drawing, painting, water play, anything outdoors, and reading with her class.
We're waiting on some tooth to come in because Britton has been biting on everything and gnawing whenever possible. I suspect it is her canines, with her second molars to follow. No new teeth peeking out yet!
Britton's appetite has been up and down, with some days no desire to eat more than a bite and other days eating three meals by lunch! She is still enjoying a variety of foods, with her favorites being green beans, peas, mashed potatoes, sloppy joes, chicken nuggets, meatballs, spaghetti, apples, grapes, kiwi, avocado, oranges, toast with plum jelly, and cheesy scrambled eggs. Grandma has been sending homemade meals home with us for her dinner, and she is really enjoying the variety. She has now rejected the booster seat at the table in favor of sitting on the counter to eat dinner. We're not too worried about it as there are less distractions up there and she tends to eat more. We'll work on table manners later!
And her vocabulary is growing as well! She has added "car," "doll," "bowl," "bubbles," "bow," I don't know," "I love you," "Elmo," "me me" (for "Mickey Mouse"), "hello" and more, but dang it all if I can't remember every word! Britton does truly enjoy being read books, and likes to look at her word book and point out pictures.
Just last night Grandma and I introduced her to the princess potty, and while she would sit on it, she wasn't getting that she was to pee into it. See, after Britton gets out of her bath, the hub takes her into the guestroom and lays her on the bed to lotion her up and get her dressed in her pajamas. Well, Britton has taken to running to a corner of the mattress, squatting, and peeing with sheer delight. We've washed the sheets and comforter so many times that it is just a plain mattress in there now. I bought a waterproof mattress pad and am steam-cleaning the entire mattress this weekend. So, we figured that maybe we could intrigue her with the potty so she'd stop peeing on the bed. We'll see how that progresses...
Likes: throwing Sadie a ball, baths, reading, artwork, music, going on walks (also in her wagon), Cheddar Chex mix, playing with Grandma and Grandpa, the park, the slide at the park, snuggling
Dislikes: yogurt (one of the few foods she isn't keen on), saying good-bye, being without her Winnie while I wash it, waiting or anything involving patience, being told no, not getting her way, rainy/cold days when she's stuck indoors