There's just something about a homemade item that makes me smile. Not crappy homemade items, like a dryer lint sponge or a necklace made out of used drinking straws, but items made with care. For instance, when Britton got her tubes in her ears, guess what showed up in the mail from my niece and nephew? Homemade cards...
They were fantastic! And Britton loved the drawings and having us read them to her. Yes, some of it is that it takes more time, takes more effort, takes more thought, but mostly it is that someone must really care to go through all that trouble. In today's world, when we're so slammed with work because the bad economy means less workers and more to prove, we're left with less time. Add on errands, household chores, making dinner, getting enough sleep, and we're all stretched too thin. Why is fast food so popular? Not because it tastes good, but because it is fast and easy. Why do we online shop? Because it's faster than going to the mall. Nowadays we live further from work, further from family, and time just gets used up.
I was cruising Etsy, as I do every now and then, and came across some peasant dresses. They were about $30 a piece, which isn't really so bad a price for a dress. But one shop was selling the pattern for $7.50. And I thought back to my pre-teen years of sewing lessons and figured I could pull it off. With a little help of course, so I got Grandma in on my plan.
Three hours later, I had a dress!
Yes, in three hours I could have gone to the mall and bought Britton a dress. I know that. But this is a dress I made for her. And the next one won't take three hours, and every dress after that will get easier. More dresses? Oh yes - check out the fabrics...
Like Garrett and Caroline's cards, this dress was made with love for Britton. And when the cards, and dress, have been outgrown, they will be tucked into a special place to be pulled out years later when we all need a good dose of nostalgia. A soul-satisfying session of "remember when"...
Scrappy Woven Stars Finished Quilt
1 day ago
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