Britton was walking around the kitchen Sunday evening, and pointed at the fruit basket. I'm used to this as recently she has deemed bananas the sole reason to live. And asks for it by saying "banana" or "nana" and I'm loving that she's using her words. But she didn't want the banana. No, she wanted the apple. I was skeptical, as I've been told to only give her fruits soft enough to mash. Who wants to eat only pears, peaches, pineapple, and strawberries? Ok, Britton does, but she needs to explore the fruit around her. Life is her buffet line. She's got six teeth, so why not?
She teethed on that apple for the next 30 minutes! Then she refused to let go of it, and I let her take it to the bath with her. Later that night I saw tiny pieces of apple skin in the bottom of the tub. This girl just cracks me up.
Also on Sunday, we (ok, I) made a photo board for daycare. They asked that we put together pictures of the family so that they could hang them around the room at kid-level. Actually, I didn't even get that much instruction, but I spotted one in another classroom and quickly caught on. Turned out great!
Scrappy Woven Stars Finished Quilt
1 day ago
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