We started out Wednesday morning with an early flight to Orlando. And by early, I mean 6:30 a.m. As in, the plane left at 6:30 a.m. First mistake. It also made a stop in Houston. Second mistake. And it took all four of us adults to keep her thoroughly entertained in her tiny plane seat the entire way, but we made it. She actually did a great job, better than I do on some flights! We arrived in Orlando and promptly went to our Disney World hotel. The plan was to have dinner with the Disney characters, but the time change wasn't on our side for that one, and we all voted that a much-needed nap for Britton trumped the dinner plans. So instead, after a long nap, we went to dinner at the hotel. And wouldn't you know it that on the way back to the hotel after dinner, Britton discovered her first pool. Still in her dinner attire (with the crotch spaghetti stains I had to explain to a nosey eight-year-old), Britton decided the "Swim diapers and swim apparel required" sign didn't apply to her.

So the hub quickly sprinted back to the hotel room for a diaper and proper bathing suit so Britton could really enjoy the baby pool. I, however, just rolled up my capris, threw off the flip flops, and got right in. Britton loved it! She splashed and waved and had a great time, so much so that leaving the pool began quite the tantrum. Luckily she is easily distracted, and no parents gave us the disapproving stare because, c'mon - this is Disney. Everyone's kid is going to have a breakdown at some point!

The next morning Britton got into her personalized Mickey shirt and Disney barrette, and was treated to the best breakfast at Disney -
the Mickey Mouse waffle. She was only slightly impressed, and then decided that my blueberry muffin was more her speed.

We left the hotel, and drove straight to Cape Canaveral, where the Disney cruise ship was docked. We didn't have to wait long, and soon enough we were on the ship in our rooms, after grabbing some lunch. Britton saw the beautiful Florida water for the first time from our balcony. Don't be worried folks - the hub is out there with her, but out of the picture.

This began Britton's walking extravaganza. There are miles and miles of open hallways and deckways, and dang it all Britton wanted to walk
each and every single inch of the ship. Holding both hands, holding one hand, no holding of hands, pushing of the stroller, pushing the stroller with one hand - every way this girl could walk she was going to. Which was fine by us because it was like an SAT prep course for walking with all that practice. Plus, it wore her out.

We went up on the top of the ship for the debarking party, and Britton loved the songs, she clapped and danced and had such a good time!

The next morning we got up early to hit up breakfast, then went straight to Britton's favorite spot - the baby pool. The hub and I, both patting ourselves on the backs for remembering to wear our own suits, climbed in with her. I didn't know if that was allowed since it was the baby pool, but later spottings in the pool of 80% parents to 20% kids makes me think it was fine. Some less behaved children (AHEM) thought it would be fun to splash around Britton and run through the pool, and I quickly gave them my best stink-eye. I tried stink-eyeing their parents, but they were too busy doing nothing to pay attention to me.

Which was fine because we got out the second we spotted Mickey and Minnie and went to get pictures. Now, Britton's reaction to them was CLASSIC. She didn't know what to think. Because, you know, they aren't
people. They are giant weird-looking things, if you think about it, and when Minnie went to touch Britton, Britton wasn't having any of it. So I created a buffer and the hub moved in quickly for pictures. Maybe this means we won't be stuck buying pet hamsters for Britton when she gets older? One can hope.

Let me just tell you - Hurricane Earl had just passed through, so we were experiencing some big seas on the way out of Florida. At dinner, entire tables of people were leaving from sea-sickness, the bathrooms were full of people getting sick, and the store was selling Dramamine like it was going out of style. Luckily none of us got even the slightest bit queasy, but it was weird to have to hold onto the hub so I wouldn't fall down in my heels, without so much as a drop of alcohol in my system!
Here it is! Britton in Nassau, Bahamas, so she has officially been international! According to the moronic government employee at customs when we left the ship, we're really just playing Russian roulette by traveling out of the country with Britton without a passport for her. Uh, yeah dude.
It's the Bahamas. Not like we're going to Slovenia. And no one asked for your opinions on parenting anyways.

More pictures from the boat...

On Saturday we landed in Castaway Cay, the island Disney owns. Little bit of trivia - it was the island where they filmed the scene in "Splash" where Tom Hanks sees mermaid Madison. Also, it used to be used by drug smugglers, but they play that down so it fits in with the "family" theme.
Here is Britton's first time EVER walking on sand! She's smiling because it's only been 5 seconds. Once she realized that sand made walking extremely difficult and stuck to her, she wasn't happy about it. And I don't blame her, because that sand also gave her some serious diaper rash later. Note to self - make sure the Butt Paste is packed.

First time in the ocean!!! Britton preferred being on the shore line, so we hung out there for a while. It was early in the morning and she was coated in 500 SPF sunscreen, so we certainly didn't want to rush her first experience at the beach. But, I have to be honest. I'm smiling here. But the night before the hub and I went to the fancy restaurant for dinner, and I spent the night puking. Probably that high-end Italian food being too rich for my blood, so I was fighting a headache and nausea. But I was not going to miss Britton's first time at the beach, so I put on my big-girl pants and went with her.

Just look at the water. Yeah, it doesn't get much better. And if there is a heaven, it looks like this. We were sad to leave on Sunday, and there are probably still claw marks on our room's door where we had to be pried away and made to leave the boat.