So, the hub and I decided to go up to OKC to check on our house, clean it for the upcoming open house, and make sure everything was running as it should. I don't need to be surprised by a toilet that's been running for two months or a broken air conditioner, so it's worth the four hour drive (each way) so I can see with my own eyes that everything is working properly.
Turns out, we didn't really need to go because everything was still clean. But we justified the trip by saying that without us being there to turn the sprinkler on those poor dry plants out back, they surely would have died. And the hub did discover an ant colony in the front flower bed and promptly got our pest guys out to spray.
We decided to drive to OKC on Friday night after Britton went to bed, so we could divide up the trip and not get up at the butt crack of dawn Saturday morning. Grandma and Grandpa had no problem watching her so we could head out. We arrived in OKC around 11:30 Friday night just ready to get to bed. And we slept in the next morning until 8:00 a.m.! I know college kids may be saying that 8:00 a.m. is early, but I'm telling you it was sleeping in for us and it was downright refreshing.
And so Friday, August 27, 2010 marks the first night I spent away from Britton. Seriously. The hub has been on business trips so he has spent the night away from Britton many times. But I never have. It was weird. I kept thinking I heard her, and then I'd look down for the monitor and it wouldn't be there. Of course, since both Britton and the monitor were in another state!
She was more than happy to see us, and we were more than ready to see her, Saturday afternoon. And we got into a rousing game of "move the magnets from one door of the fridge to the other door of the fridge" and I tell you what - I was only gone 20 hours but I missed her.
Scrappy Woven Stars Finished Quilt
1 day ago
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