One week after moving to Texas, we have finally settled into a kind-of routine. We are living with Grandma and Grandpa until our house in Oklahoma sells, as qualifying for and paying for TWO mortgages forces my brain into mini-strokes. Best not to pile on the debt, so we are taking advantage of their generosity, not increasing our bills at all, and paying down whatever we can to be in the best position possible if (when! when! when!) or house sells. Our fabulous realtor just got back from a week-long vacation, so I am fully expecting great things on the house-front, especially since she has to make it up to us that her not-so-fabulous assistant was as useless as a rock.
I started my new job with the same company (just transferred to our Fort Worth office) and every day I am learning new things. Which makes me tired and cranky, because frankly I hate exercising and learning a new job is like exercise for my brain. Apparently I was lied to when I graduated law school and was told all employment opportunities, even those way below my pay grade and skill level like this one, would be a piece of cake. Because, well, I made it through law school! I can do anything! Not so much. But the people I work with seem cool, and we are allowed to talk above a whisper and listen to music, so it's already leaps and bounds better than my old office. Whoops - I may have just disparaged my company with that last sentence, which violates their social media policy. But I'm leaving it in because if I get fired I qualify for unemployment. Vacation!
Britton started her new daycare, and while it is not nearly as fabulous as her previous one in that these teachers don't seem to worship the ground Britton crawls on, the place is huge and clean and licensed and SOME teachers seem like they are at least trying to earn their minimum wage. The others not so much, but then again if I can text on my phone all day, why shouldn't they? Oh, that's right - I'm not watching mobile children all day. But I digress...
Britton has made herself at home here, pulling out tricks we've never seen before. Like her basket of diapers, which has sat at the end of our sofa for months that she always ignored, turned into an awesome chair for a few minutes at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

And she ate spaghetti for the first time!

And we made popsicles and she ate that! Something cold and yummy - she turns her nose up at snowcones at daycare, but Grandpa's juice pops aren't half bad...

So not bad in fact that she was allowed
to take the popsicle into the bath to finish it. I can't make this stuff up. But I also can't make the girl give up her popsicle when I want her to try new foods. Besides, I knew it wouldn't last long in the steamy tub.

So I'm still mapquesting my way around town, and my commute sometimes scares me because it seems that while no one in Oklahoma could handle driving when the road so much as
slightly turned beyond a completely straight line, Texas drivers all seem to be drunk to me, even at 7:00 a.m. I'm sure not all of them are, but apparently a desire to be in another lane, REGARDLESS IF THERE IS A CAR THERE, means you can move over without a turn signal and everyone else just better be okay with that. The hub loves his new job, and he took me to see his office building last night. Let me tell you - it was AMAZING. Like a fancy hotel you know you can't afford or your friend's parents' house, that friend who got a brand new car on her birthday and refers to her "houses" a lot. The commute may be brutal, but the destination is incredible.