I've been singing that song incessantly to Britton, and it worked. If you don't know the words to that song, it goes like this: "Roll me over, in the clover, roll me over, roll me over, in the clover..." Yeah, complicated I know. But Britton enjoys it and on Thursday, January 28th, she did. I didn't see it but I discovered it on the video monitor. She had gone down for a nap and I checked on her. She was on her stomach. Now, when I put her down it was on her back. So, unless a magical elf rolled her over when I wasn't looking (we haven't ruled that out, by the way), she rolled over! The hub saw her do it two more times that night, but I kept missing it. I grabbed the video camera and begged her to do it again, but I ended up with two minutes of footage of her flat on her back. Oh well.

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