My in-laws sent us some baby stuff not so long ago. We weren't expecting anything, but I always check out on the front porch since we use the garage almost exclusively. Really, if something was shipped to us, it could be weeks until it was discovered, so I've taken to peeking out the blinds to check.
The box was filled with awesome baby goodness! It contained some old baby things of the hub - his clothes, baby spoons, and sad monkey doll.

I love how the sad monkey doll has tears! And yes, that's Sadie's paw in the picture, as I'm pretty sure she wants to steal sad monkey doll and make him her very own.
Also, the hub's grandmother crochets. Predicting years ago that the hub and I would have a girl at some point, or a very feminine little boy*, she made these beautiful dress and booties and cape and booties. I have fallen in love with them and am very close to mandating that all of Baby B's clothes be handmade by grandma.

And they also included some baby blankets! Sandra (the hub's mom) made some, some belonged to the hub as a baby, and some the hub's grandma made. They are stunning - crocheted, quilted, soft as nothing else. And I have serious doubts about allowing a baby to use any of them, lest Baby B do something to or on the blanket that renders it soiled. I'm imagining these blankets ending up on Antiques Road Show in 200 years with some appraiser saying, "Such intricate work! I'd guess from the late 1990s or early 2000s. I'd insure the blankets for $20,000.

Not all of the items are girly - there is a very cute cowboy blanket as well, and some of the hub's overalls that make me melt. The idea that the hub was once a little baby is somewhat disorienting, as I don't think we've ever really looked at each other as once babies.
And finally, I have decided that the baby will need books and I have started the collection. Yes, I know that Baby B won't be able to read for many years, but I always liked having books read to me as a child so maybe my kid will too.
You should know that the closest bookstore to me is 20 miles away. It's a Borders Express, not even a real full Borders. (Perhaps this is indicative of the horrible literacy and drop-out rates of WV? Just saying...) But it has a great children's section, and I set off to find some books. Here's what I ended up with at the counter:

The teenager behind the counter escaped his weed-induced coma for 10 seconds to ring me up. He checked out the books and said, "Wow. Only the three best children's books
ever written." I admit, I was proud. I looked at the hub with a glow and it stayed with me all the way home.
* we find out the sex on March 30th!
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